How to Use a Clit Sucker

Clit suckers are designed to stimulate the clitoral hood and surrounding areas using air pressure, or sonic waves. This is different than a traditional vibrator, which provides direct vibration.

They also tend to be smaller than traditional vibrators. This makes them easy to handle and discreet. Some models have a small mouth-like opening, which can require some practice to place correctly.

Start with the Foreplay

Clit sucker vibrators have a round, mouth-like opening that fits right over your clitoral hood. They use sonic pulses or air pressure to stimulate your clit directly without touching it, which feels like a delicate suction sensation. Most clit sucker models, like Namii’s Obii, offer multiple angles and air pressure modes for customization. Some even include dual functions for traditional vibration and suction, so you can work your way up to orgasm with the power of clitoral stimulation before moving into the powerful suctions.

After you’ve set the mood and heightened your arousal, begin by slowly stroking the toy with light flicks of your tongue. Focus on the labia, vulva, and clitoral hood at first, then move closer to tease and please your clitoris. As you move closer, your body’s arousal will rise and you’ll feel hot and wet. This is great feedback and a sign you’re close to orgasm. But it’s important to pause and check in with your body whenever you feel pain or discomfort. You don’t want to push too hard and hurt yourself!

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Find Your Erogenous Zones

If you’re looking to up the intensity of your clit sucker game, there are many hot spots beyond the head and clitoris that may be calling for your attention. Whether it’s the soft skin of your ears or the sensitive curve of your inner thighs, there are tons of pleasure zones that can be stimulated to heighten your experience and create fireworks for you and your partner.

It’s worth noting, though, that erogenous zones vary by person. What feels pleasurable for you could be painful to another, so experiment and check in with your partner often to see how things are going.

A good place to start is the nipples, which are especially sensitive and highly reactive to touch. Try kissing and stroking them, licking them, or even entwining them with your partner for intense sensations. Each nipple has hundreds of nerve endings, and nipple play can trigger orgasm in some people. The inner thighs are also a surprising pleasure zone, and can be stimulated by kissing, stroking, and licking.

Adjust the Distance and Angle

A clit sucker can be intense, so it’s important to play around with the angle and distance until you find your sweet spot. Some sex toys offer a variety of pressure modes, and a few even allow you to lock in your favorite setting so the vibrations don’t fade out just as you’re coming into orgasm.

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Unlike traditional vibrators that target the tip of the clitoris, clitoral sucker’s use a unique technology to shake the entire body of it—think of the whole iceberg rather than just its pointy end. The SONA Cruise is a perfect example, featuring LELO’s “cruise control” so the vibrations won’t wane just as you’re reaching your peak of pleasure.

Clit sucking vibrators can also tantalize other non-genital areas like the armpits and inner thighs, so try playing with different locations to discover your erogenous zones. And don’t be afraid to add some lube, especially if you’re using the clit sucker with a partner—it can really enhance your experience. Just be careful not to use too much! Excessive lube can cause the clit sucker to lose its hold on your clitoral hood.

Increase the Air Pressure

If you’re happy with the foreplay but want to take your oral clitoral stimulation to the next level, increase the air pressure on the nozzle. You can also squirt in some lube to intensify the feeling.

Remember to listen to your body and not exceed the maximum air pressure setting, which is typically around 120 PSI. If it starts to hurt, slow down or stop. You don’t want to cause any damage to the delicate tissue and nerves in your clitoris.

Another way to make the experience more intense is by using a clit sucker with an internal vibration mode. This type of toy will send pulsations directly through your clitoral hood and give you the sensation of a full-bodied orgasm. The SONA Cruise is one such device that features a nozzle with external pressure waves and internal stroking vibrations designed to hit all the right spots. Alternatively, you can try a simple clit pump toy like the Lovehoney or ROMP which only delivers air pressure. These are great for first-timers who want to learn how their bodies respond to this type of stimulation.

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Find the Perfect Rhythm

Once you’re comfortable using your new clit sucker, experiment with different positions to find the perfect spot. Adding some lube can help you create better suction and experience even more pleasure from this innovative vibrator.

Unlike rabbits, dildos and strap-ons, most clit suckers don’t require penetration to work. But this doesn’t mean they can’t be used for anal stimulation, as long as you’re careful. Make sure to use a model with a handle that doesn’t prevent access to the anus or you could end up hurting yourself.

Many clit suckers come with both vibration and suction options, allowing you to stimulate your clitoris without direct contact. Changing up the intensity and speed of your stimulator can also feel great. Don’t jump right to the highest settings, however, as too much pressure focused on a sensitive area can be unpleasant.

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