How to Increase Libido While on Birth Control

If your libido seems to have gone on hiatus, it’s worth talking to your doctor. They can help you work out what’s going on, and maybe suggest trying a different form of birth control.

A vaginal ring, for instance, may boost libido and arousal, and improve orgasm and lubrication. It’s also possible that a hormone check will be in order.

1. Drink plenty of water

If you’re on birth control, you might notice a drop in your libido. However, there are some things you can do to boost your sex drive while on hormonal birth control.

Many women who switch to a more natural form of birth control like the IUD or an implant see an increase in libido. This is likely due to a decrease in hormones, and also may be the result of lighter periods or less cramping.

If you still notice a decline in your libido, it’s best to talk to your doctor or health care professional. They can offer more insight on what could be the cause and help you find a solution.

2. Eat a healthy diet

Keeping your mood balanced by eating well is one of the best things you can do to help increase your libido. Try adding in aphrodisiac foods like avocados (full of testosterone-boosting zinc), honey (which contains hormone-regulating boron), and strawberries to your diet.

If you’re worried that your birth control is affecting your libido, talk to your doctor about changing to a different method. Luckily, there are many non-hormonal methods that provide all the pregnancy protection you need. If you’re still struggling, seek out a sex therapist for couples counseling.

See also:  How to Increase Wetness and Libido

3. Exercise

If you notice that your libido is lower while on birth control, exercise can help. Exercise helps to increase blood flow throughout the body, which can help boost libido.

Hormonal birth control methods change hormone levels and prevent the ovaries from releasing an egg, making pregnancy impossible. But they can also lead to a decrease in sex drive for some people.

However, a low libido can be caused by many other factors. In those cases, working with a mental health professional may be a helpful next step.

4. Sleep well

Getting enough sleep, practicing yoga or meditation, and destressing are all good ways to boost your mood and get you in a more horny frame of mind. Some women also find that romance novels, erotica, and masturbation can rev up their libido.

While some women notice a decrease in their libido while on hormonal birth control, others might not see a change at all. The key is to be patient and try different things until you find what gets you riled up. Then you can have some fun!

5. Get plenty of fresh air

Many women find that their libido rises and falls throughout their menstrual cycle, so it’s important to recognize what may be influencing your feelings. Having an open and honest discussion with your doctor or therapist specializing in sexual health can be helpful.

If you notice a change in your libido, it’s okay to switch to another birth control method. However, be sure to talk to your gynecologist first. This will help ensure you’re not experiencing any unwanted side effects. Then you can choose the right method for you.

See also:  How to Increase Libido After Menopause Naturally

6. Have a good night’s sleep

While the pill is amazing and provides plenty of protection, it can sometimes affect a person’s libido. Luckily, these changes are completely normal and everyone experiences them differently.

If your libido suddenly goes up, there’s nothing wrong with that! It may be due to a new relationship, lower stress levels, or stopping hormonal birth control. If you notice this change, try avoiding any triggers that have made your libido low to see if it changes back. You can also talk to your doctor about changing your birth control method or getting a prescription for testosterone.

7. Take a hot bath

Many women who use birth control to regulate their hormones experience a low libido. This can be especially true with hormonal birth control. If you use a method of birth control that requires spermicide, like the diaphragm or cervical cap, you may need to pause sex to grab more spermicide, which can lower your libido.

On the other hand, methods that don’t require spermicide, such as sponges and internal condoms, don’t have this problem. Plus, they’re easy to insert ahead of time and can help boost arousal.

8. Have a massage

If you’re experiencing a change in your libido that is tied to hormonal birth control, it may be helpful to speak with a therapist specializing in sexual health. They’ll be able to help you figure out what the root cause is and offer tips on how to get it back up.

See also:  Hormonal Birth Control - Why Does Birth Control Lower Libido?

If you find that you’re struggling to reach orgasm while on birth control, consider changing your pill type or removing it altogether. You could also try using an IUD or implant, which have very few side effects.

9. Get a good night’s sleep

It’s a bit of a birth control irony that some women experience low libido while on hormonal birth control. But, the good news is that it’s usually a temporary change and can be easily reversed.

If your libido is low, it’s important to rule out other possible causes, like depression or another prescription medication. Otherwise, you can try switching to a different birth control method, or trying a natural hormone booster, to get your mojo back. If all else fails, consider seeing a sex therapist or counselor.

10. Try a massage

Some people notice a decrease in their libido when on hormonal birth control. If that’s the case for you, it may be time to switch to a different birth control method.

Other forms of birth control, like an IUD or a contraceptive implant, can provide pregnancy protection while keeping your hormones balanced. And for those who don’t want to get pregnant, tubal ligation or vasectomy can be great options too. If your low libido persists, working with a sex therapist might also be helpful. You might be able to uncover factors that are contributing to your lack of desire, such as stress or previous trauma.

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