How to Control Libido

Several factors can affect the level of someone’s sexual desire. Libido varies from person to person, and it can change throughout the course of a relationship.

Fortunately, there are many ways to lower your sexual desires in a healthy way. Psychosexual and relationship therapists can help tease out how mental health issues and personal experiences contribute to sexual desires.

1. Reduce stress.

You can feel better physically and mentally by reducing your daily stressors. Exercise, yoga, meditation and getting enough sleep are great ways to de-stress.

Some people find that sexual thoughts and urges are exacerbated when they are bored, hungry, tired or stressed. Identifying what triggers sexual urges can help you to gain control over them.

Having a high libido is normal. However, uncontrollable sexual impulses can lead to sex addiction and other problems. Talk to your doctor if your compulsive sexual behaviors are negatively impacting your life or relationships. There are many medications that can curb libido, including SSRIs and anti-androgens. Ask your doctor about lowering the dose of any medications you’re taking. Stimulants like caffeine and nicotine can also increase arousal and lead to a higher libido.

2. Exercise.

Regular exercise boosts libido for both men and women. Cardiovascular exercise improves blood flow to the brain and genital area, triggering pleasure and boosting erection strength in men. And women who do yoga or Pilates report more desire, arousal and lubrication during sex.

But don’t overdo it. Too much exercise, especially strenuous exercises, can lower libido by decreasing testosterone levels. It also can cause fatigue and feelings of depression, which in turn reduce libido.

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If you do want to hit the gym, try to avoid canned soups that contain a lot of sodium. Salt can raise blood pressure and damage arteries, which may inhibit libido. Choose lean meats and fish, such as salmon, which is rich in omega-3s, which help lubricate the body and promote blood flow.

3. Eat healthy.

Many people have a hard time controlling sexual urges, especially in the context of a marriage. They often end up with bad habits like pornography and compulsive masturbation. This leads to unsatisfactory sexual relations in the long run.

Your diet can affect your libido. Some foods are thought to increase libido, while others may dull it. For example, beer and wine can boost libido, while oysters and chocolate can decrease it. Similarly, certain herbs and supplements have been known to decrease libido, such as licorice.

Some medications can also affect libido, including antidepressants and antipsychotics. If you think your libido might be affected by your medication, talk to your doctor. They can help you find a solution. They may recommend lifestyle changes or other treatments to help you manage your symptoms.

4. Get enough sleep.

Your libido — also known as your sex drive or sexual desire — is individual to you and can fluctuate. A high libido is not usually a problem, but you should talk to your doctor or counselor if it interferes with your life and relationships.

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Daily habits like lack of sleep and unhealthy diets can lower libido. Certain medications, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants like duloxetine (Cymbalta) and beta blockers, can also have a depressive effect on libido. Drugs for urinary difficulties caused by benign prostate enlargement can also affect libido.

Uncontrolled sexual urges can cause problems in a relationship and are not good for mental health. If you find yourself engaging in risky behaviors, excessive pornography consumption or compulsive masturbation, seek professional help.

5. Stay away from porn.

Sexual desire varies significantly from person to person, and is influenced by many different factors. There is no “normal” level of libido; some people may feel like having sex a few times a year, while others may feel like engaging in sexual activity every day. Libido also fluctuates throughout the course of a person’s life, as hormonal changes can increase or decrease sexual desire.

If you are struggling with uncontrollable sexual desires, it is important to seek professional help. Psychosexual and relationship therapists can provide a safe place to explore your feelings and learn healthy coping mechanisms.

Avoiding porn and other sexually-themed media can also help to reduce sexual desire. By blocking porn websites on your computer, you can prevent yourself from viewing the arousing content that often triggers compulsive sexual urges.

6. Avoid drugs.

Certain medications can have side effects that affect sexual desire. For instance, some antidepressants, blood pressure medication, and antacids can lower libido. Talking to your doctor about lowering your prescription or switching to another medication may be helpful.

Sexual desires are normal, but they can become a problem if they’re out of control or cause problems in your life and relationships. If your libido is so high that it interferes with your daily life or causes problems in your relationship, you should consider seeking help from a therapist.

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A therapist can help you identify underlying issues that might be causing your high libido and give you tools to address them. They can also help you learn healthier ways to cope with your libido and focus on self-care.

7. Seek therapy.

Sometimes, a high libido can be a symptom of a mental health condition. If you have a high libido that interferes with your daily life or is accompanied by other symptoms, talk to your doctor about possible treatments. They may recommend consuming certain medications that can help decrease your libido, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Sexual desires are normal, but they must be controlled so that they do not damage relationships or cause dysfunction in our lives. If you are having trouble controlling your compulsive sexual urges, seek therapy from a relationship therapist. They can provide you with effective tools and tips to decrease your sexual urges. Moreover, they can help you find ways to manage your stress levels. They can also teach you to practice self-compassion, which will lower your sexual desires and improve your emotional health.

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