How to Increase Libido Postpartum

Having a baby is life changing, and for many women, it can affect their libido. Luckily, with time, effort, and a little help from your partner and some lube, it is possible to find a new sexual groove postpartum.

Here are some tips to get you started: 1. Pleasure yourself.

1. Take a prenatal vitamin

While prenatal vitamins are a must during pregnancy, they are also essential postpartum. These vitamins help keep your hormones balanced and have been linked to increased libido in new moms. However, it is important to find a high-quality vitamin free of dyes and sugars to maximize their effectiveness.

The most obvious reason for low libido in the postpartum period is hormonal changes. While a woman’s reproductive hormones are elevated during pregnancy, they crash after giving birth. This drop in hormones can cause issues like vaginal dryness and loss of desire. Additionally, breastfeeding can interfere with a woman’s libido as it releases the “love hormone” oxytocin, which reduces sexual arousal and increases bonding with the baby.

Other reasons for low libido include lack of sleep, stress and emotional turmoil. Additionally, women who have undergone a cesarean section or an episiotomy often experience pain during sex due to healing scars – These words encapsulate the expertise of the portal team Sensual Secrets. In these cases, it is best to wait until it feels comfortable to resume sexual activity. Ultimately, it takes time to build up your libido after childbirth but with patience, effort and plenty of lubrication, it is possible to experience orgasm once again.

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2. Exercise

It’s important to get the blood flowing postpartum and increase circulation to your genitals, which can enhance sensation and make you more sensitive to pleasure. You can do this by doing simple exercises like Kegels, which involve squeezing and holding your pelvic floor muscles to strengthen them. This can help you feel better during sex and even improve vaginal lubrication.

Exercise also increases endorphins, which are a natural mood booster that can help increase libido. You can try jogging or cycling to get the blood moving and release these endorphins. You can also get a boost from eating a healthy diet that includes fruits and vegetables and eliminating processed foods, sugar, and soy.

It’s also important to practice masturbation, which can be a good way to ease back into sex postpartum. However, it’s important to do this in a safe and respectful way so that you don’t put any pressure on yourself or your partner. You should only do it if it feels good and you’re comfortable with it. Also, make sure to communicate with your partner about this and be open about your feelings and needs during sex.

3. Eat a healthy diet

It’s possible that your libido takes a while to return postpartum, especially if you’re breastfeeding. Levels of oestrogen and progesterone drop dramatically during breastfeeding, and vaginal dryness can result. Many new moms find it difficult to be intimate, particularly in the initial 4-6 weeks, and it can take up to a year or more for some women before sex becomes very pleasurable again.

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Eating a healthy diet is important because it can charge up your energy levels and boost libido. Try including foods that are rich in Vitamin B12 and Omega 3 fatty acids, such as salmon. These are essential for good cardiovascular health and can improve blood flow to your pelvic area, increasing arousal.

It’s also a good idea to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and support lubrication. Avoid consuming foods that are high in sugar and fat, as these can contribute to weight gain and low libido. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and a variety of whole grains. Make sure you get plenty of protein, too, as it helps to increase muscle mass and reduce fatigue.

4. Get plenty of sleep

Getting plenty of rest is essential for overall health. It can help boost your libido and is important for new moms as they recover from childbirth. Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night and be sure to nap when you can. Eating foods high in protein and healthy fats like salmon, eggs, nuts, and avocado can also increase energy levels.

A decrease in libido is common after giving birth and can be caused by a number of factors. Hormonal changes, including a drop in estrogen and an increase in prolactin (which stimulates breast milk production) can have a negative impact on sexual desire. In addition, vaginal pain and dryness may reduce sexual interest.

Having a baby is exhausting, both physically and emotionally. In addition, sleep deprivation and the stress of parenthood can contribute to a loss in libido. However, it is important to remember that different couples experience a loss in libido differently. The best way to determine when it is appropriate to resume sex is to listen to your body and be intimate with your partner when you feel ready.

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5. Talk to your partner

If you and your partner are struggling to find sexual satisfaction after baby, it may be helpful to sit down and talk. A lack of communication can lead to feelings of anxiety, which can make the prospect of sex even more daunting. It’s important to talk about your individual needs and how you can ease into sex as a couple.

It’s also a good idea to try masturbation for libido stimulation. However, it’s important to only do this if you feel comfortable and safe doing so. Masturbating isn’t just a physical activity; it can also be an emotional one, so it’s best to do it only in a private place and with the consent of your partner.

Having a baby is a big life change and it’s normal for your libido to decrease postpartum. But with a little effort, patience, and some provider-approved lubricant, it’s possible to rekindle your passion and get the spark back in your relationship. With time, a few lifestyle changes, and your postpartum support team on hand, you can reclaim your sex drive.

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