Whether you and your partner have the libido for it or not, a healthy sex life is possible if you’re dedicated. Having daily sex is totally normal as long as it’s consensual, pleasurable, and doesn’t cause you any physical or mental problems.
The mood-boosting hormones released during sex and masturbation have many health benefits. Here are some of them:
1. You’re a happier person
There’s no evidence that frequent sex is harmful to your health, as long as you use proper lubrication and follow sexual hygiene. However, if you’re feeling sexual urges every day and feel like you can’t control them, you may want to consider speaking with a doctor or sex therapist to learn more about healthy sex frequency.
Getting intimate with your partner can also boost your happiness levels in the short-term and long-term, according to research. The affection you experience through sex triggers the brain’s release of happy hormones, which can help you cope with stress and even reduce your risk of depression.
In addition, sex is a great way to burn calories and increase your metabolism. Plus, it’s a great source of serotonin, which is known to promote feelings of well-being and relieve depression. And if you’re not the type to go all-in in bed, there are other ways to get your daily dose of serotonin, such as cuddling, romantic movies, or trekking. But sex is the most effective method.
2. You’re a healthier person
Achieving daily orgasms and masturbating can be a good way to boost sexual satisfaction in your relationship. It can also help you sleep better, and improve your health. Studies have found that people who get at least two orgasms a week have higher levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, which improves immunity and repairs tissues.
In addition, when you have sex, your heart rate rises, and fresh blood is delivered to your organs while the old blood is removed from your body. The endorphins you release during sex will make your muscles relax and reduce tension. Getting an orgasm can also increase the flow of oxygen to your brain, preventing mental fogginess.
However, just because you and your partner are having sex every day doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Depending on your preferences, you might want to have sex less often or take breaks between sessions. It’s also important to remember that sexual activity can cause genital soreness and itchiness, especially if you don’t use enough lubricant. Moreover, having too much sex can lead to complications like STIs and unwanted pregnancy.
3. You’re a better partner
In the beginning stages of a new relationship, it’s not uncommon for couples to have sex three or four times a day. After a while, though, those sore muscles and the stack of unused condoms on your bedside table might make you wonder: Is this healthy?
Frequent sex, as long as both partners are interested and up for it, is totally fine. In fact, it’s good for you. Having sex daily reduces stress, boosts self-esteem, and strengthens bonds between partners. It’s also been linked to better mental health, increased intimacy, and higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that fights illness.
Keep in mind that sexual satisfaction has more to do with the quality of sex than the frequency. So don’t push yourself to have sex just to hit some “normal” number. Instead, focus on the feelings you get from making love, and stay stocked up with essentials like lube and barrier protection. It will serve you both much better than trying to force sex just because it’s the statistical norm. Besides, quality over quantity is always a good idea.
4. You’re a better friend
It’s not uncommon for two people to start dating and then decide they don’t want to continue being intimate, either because they don’t feel it anymore or they are just tired. This can leave both parties feeling disappointed and hurt, especially if they used to be close friends.
It is possible for two people to have sex and maintain friendships, though it’s not a common occurrence. One way to make this work is by communicating openly and clearly about the significance that sex holds for both of you. It’s also a good idea to set boundaries, like no sleepovers, that will help prevent you from going too far.
Another way to preserve your friendship after sex is by taking a step back from the intimacy, and simply being casual with each other. It’s not a bad thing to be casual with your best friend, but it’s important not to let sex become a big part of your relationship. This way, you can enjoy sex for what it is and not turn it into a love affair that takes away from your bond as friends.
5. You’re a better lover
There are a lot of articles out there challenging people to have daily or multiple times a day sex for a month, a year, etc. Whether or not that’s healthy depends on the person and their partner’s definition of sex. As long as it is a healthy, mutual experience that fulfills the needs of the couple and does not negatively affect their lives, it’s completely ok to have sex on a daily basis, or even multiple times a day.
Frequent sex increases sexual pleasure, and it can also help you become a better lover in general. You can learn to be more attentive in bed, and you can learn to take your partner’s sexual desires into consideration. This will help you achieve a more satisfying sexual intimacy in bed, and it will make your relationship stronger.
Having sex on a regular basis can also increase your immunity, and this means that you will get sick less often. Studies have shown that sex can cause the body to produce antibodies that can help fight off viruses and infections.
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