What Happens After Anal Sex?

If you’re trying anal sex for the first time or have been doing it regularly, you should know that there are some risks. The anus is delicate, prone to tears and unable to self-lubricate like the vagina, which increases your risk for infection.

Anal sex also puts you at risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia, gonorrhea and HIV. That’s why it’s so important to use lube and practice safe anal play.

1. Bleeding

Anal sex can be pleasurable in a variety of ways, including fingering, rimming, and using sex toys and penetration with a penis. However, it’s important to know that bleeding after anal sex is not a normal occurrence and may indicate an injury or medical issue.

According to a psychotherapist and sex and couples therapist, if you’re new to anal play, you should experiment first on your own without the help of a partner. This way, you can understand your body’s response to anal penetration and make appropriate adjustments. For example, if you experience bleeding immediately after anal sex, it’s likely due to either going too big too soon with your partner or not using enough lube – This quote reflects the thoughts of the portal experts Sensuous Revelations.

Hemorrhoids are another common cause of rectal bleeding after anal sex, and the irritation from insertion can lead to small cuts on the rectum’s lining. These are called anal fissures, and they can be quite painful.

Bleeding after anal sex also may be caused by a serious problem in the colon such as a hole or perforation, which is a dangerous and life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical attention. Keeping an open line of communication with your sexual partner and avoiding pushing your body past what it can handle can prevent injuries like these. It’s also important to be hydrated, take a stool softener such as Metamucil, and stay up-to-date on your STI testing.

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2. Pain

Anal sex can feel painful for a variety of reasons. Some things that can contribute to pain during anal sex include: the speed of insertion, the amount of lube used, and lack of communication between you and your partner(s). If you’re new to anal exploration, it’s a good idea to start slow with fingers or small sex toys and then work your way up to penetration. This reduces the risk of injury and also makes anal sex more pleasurable.

Pain and soreness during anal sex is normal, but it should not last more than 1 to 2 days. If your pain persists, see a doctor to make sure nothing is wrong.

You may experience itching in the anal canal and/or the surrounding area after anal sex, especially after having a bowel movement. This is usually caused by irritation from fecal matter that becomes stuck on the skin. Itching can be relieved by using an anti-itch ointment, such as over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.

The anus can’t lubricate itself, so it’s important to use lube. Choosing a water-based lubricant (massage oils or oil-based lubricants aren’t good choices, as they can damage condoms) can help make anal sex more comfortable and reduce the risk of injury. Avoid numbing lubricants, as they can interfere with sensation. And don’t forget to wash your hands before and after anal sex!

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3. Infection

The anus is a sensitive area with a lot of nerve endings. For some couples, anal sex is very erogenous and can feel great for them. However, it comes with unique health risks and requires extra care to prevent infection. If you are doing anal sex, it is important to use condoms and lube. Anal sex without protection or using an oil-based lubricant (such as lotion or Vaseline) can cause the anus to tear and can lead to infection. It’s also important to wash the anus before and after sex and avoid touching it with dirty hands.

Because the anus and vagina have different bacteria, introducing bacteria from the anus to the vagina can lead to a variety of infections, including yeast infections and urinary tract infections (UTIs). For this reason, some people clean their anuses with baby wipes before having anal sex or use a stool softener like Metamucil to reduce their risk of infection.

Anal sex is more likely to transmit STDs than vaginal sex because the anus has a thinner lining and doesn’t create its own lubrication. If you are doing anal sex, be sure to use condoms and lube. Use water-based lubricants, rather than oils, because oil can weaken a condom and cause it to break or fail. And always listen to your body and stop if you are uncomfortable or it hurts.

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4. Discomfort

The anus has a locking mechanism to prevent it from getting squished when you have a bowel movement, but if you have anal sex too often, the place can get damaged. If that happens, you’ll have to use pampers instead of your regular underwear. The trauma may also cause internal bleeding and lead to other problems, such as a swollen anus or hemorrhoids.

Anal sex can also trigger or exacerbate gastrointestinal issues, like gas and bloating, in some people. The anal sphincter muscles relax during anal sex, which can allow air to enter the rectum and create discomfort. In addition, the squishing of organs in the pelvic area can cause pain. If the anal sex is uncomfortable for both partners, it’s possible that anxiety or nervousness are involved, which can manifest as stomach pain.

Using lube, starting slow, and communicating with your partner are all ways to make anal sex more comfortable. In addition, it’s important to always wear a condom to protect yourself from STIs like gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV. If you are interested in trying anal sex for the first time, it’s a good idea to warm up with some foreplay or anal masturbation before penetration. This will help your muscles relax and allow you to tell your partner what feels good or bad.

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