Can Lack of Sex Cause Fibroids?

Fibroids can affect a woman’s libido, especially if they are large and located in the uterus. In addition, fibroids that cause heavy bleeding can lead to iron deficiency anemia, which also interferes with a woman’s sex drive.

If you have painful intercourse due to your uterine fibroids, try exploring alternative methods of intimacy until your fibroid treatment is complete. You can use lubricants, try different positions, and communicate with your partner about what causes the pain.

1. Hormonal Imbalance

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous tumors that form in or around the walls of your uterus. They can be a single growth or a group of them, and they can range in size from less than an inch to over eight inches. Fibroids are usually benign but in rare cases, they can be malignant.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the leading causes of fibroid formation and growth. The body produces estrogen to stimulate uterus growth and development during the reproductive years, but if this isn’t balanced with progesterone, it can cause the fibroid to grow too rapidly. The symptoms of hormone imbalance can include a heavy painful period, enlarged abdomen or pelvic pain, abdominal distention and bloating, frequent urination, infertility, and more.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to talk to your doctor right away and schedule a blood and urine test so that you can find the root cause of your hormonal changes. Then, you can work with a practitioner that specialises in hormone health to address the problem and help you feel better, now and in the future.

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Not wanting sex or feeling an aversion to it is also normal and can be caused by many factors, including low libido, hormonal changes, or simply being non-sexual in your relationship. However, this doesn’t mean that you should avoid sex altogether; it can be an excellent way to relax and bond with your partner as well as keep the sexual part of your relationship healthy.

2. Physical Discomfort

Fibroids are benign tumors that grow in or near the uterus, fuelled by estrogen. They can range from pea-size to watermelon size, and some women may have just one fibroid while others have dozens. Fibroids typically cause symptoms such as heavy periods, bloating, and the frequent urge to urinate. They can also cause sex to feel less pleasurable or lead to sexual avoidance.

Pain during sex is a common symptom of fibroids that can be caused by their size, the location of the fibroids, and how they grow in relation to the cervix. Larger fibroids can produce pressure in the uterus that makes sex painful for both partners, and when they grow around the cervix, it can make deep penetrative sex uncomfortable.

Often, a woman’s pain during sex will prevent her from sleeping well and subsequently impact her libido. Regardless of the reason for her loss of interest, her partner should be supportive and sensitive and help navigate feelings of insecurity.

If a woman is experiencing pain during sex, it may be time to consider treatment for her uterine fibroids. At Fibroid Treatment Collective, our specialists perform a state-of-the-art procedure called uterine fibroid embolization that is a non-invasive alternative to surgery. By blocking blood flow to the fibroid, UFE shrinks them, and most patients can resume light activities within just days.

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3. Anxiety

Women with fibroids often feel overwhelmed by the symptoms and are worried about how they will affect their relationships. They may also worry that their partners will get sick from being exposed to heavy or irregular menstrual blood and bloating, or that they will have to change their underwear in public because the bleeding is so severe.

In addition, if they suffer from pain during sexual intercourse or if the fibroids press on the cervix, it can make sex uncomfortable and unpleasant for both partners. Many women with fibroids have had to deal with strained or even broken relationships as a result of these problems.

Aside from the emotional issues, women with fibroids may also be concerned that they will lose their femininity or become less attractive because of their uterine fibroids. The bloating, discomfort, and menstrual blood can cause many women to feel self-conscious and unattractive. This can be especially difficult for women who are single and looking to find a partner.

While traditional treatments like birth control pills, over-the-counter pain relievers and fibroid surgery can help with the physical symptoms of fibroids, they won’t address the nonphysical issues that lead to these problems. Talk therapy can be helpful in dealing with the emotional and mental stress that comes along with a fibroid diagnosis. Regular exercise and finding a healthy way to relax can also help.

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4. Depression

Many women who suffer from fibroids report feeling less sexy. This is because the physical symptoms of fibroid pain during intercourse or heavy menstrual bleeding can impact sexual desire and self-image. In addition, the bloating that often accompanies uterine fibroids can make some people confuse them with pregnancy, which can be upsetting.

Fibroids can also impact the timing of menstrual cycles, leading to missed opportunities for intimacy. The symptoms that can interfere with a woman’s sex life include cramping, an enlarged uterus, and heavy bleeding. This can cause a lot of stress and lead to depression.

Women who are depressed are more likely to have deep dyspareunia, a condition in which the vaginal opening becomes painful. Researchers found that women with pelvic pain associated with uterine fibroids who were diagnosed with depression experienced deeper dyspareunia than those without symptoms.

Fortunately, there are several ways to reduce the emotional toll of fibroids and improve your quality of life. One way is to join a support group or talk to a counselor about your experiences. Another way is to exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins, which can boost your mood. Lastly, eating a healthy diet can help you feel better.

The Viva Eve team is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a fibroid specialist who can give you the tools you need to get back your life.

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