Why Do Girls Like to Suck a Man’s Dick?

Women love the power and pleasure of sucking a man’s dick. It’s also a great way to get him to orgasm.

However, it’s important to know that not all women enjoy blow jobs. Some women find them to be disgusting or even repulsive. Here are some reasons why: 1. Poor partner hygiene.

1. It’s fucky gross

A girl’s dick is one of her most favorite things to lick and chew. It’s an intimate area for her, where she can act a little more gross and naughty than usual.

She might like to lick and chew the head of her penis, especially the small ridge on the underside of the head, called the frenulum. This area can be highly sensitive, much like the clitoris. She can also enjoy sucking the head and shaft of her penis, or even the glans (between her legs).

If she really wants to go hardcore with a blowjob, she might ask her partner to lay on their back in bed. They can hold the pillow between their heads so her head is hovering above his dick and then she can use the Twist and Jerk technique to take his semen and lick it into her mouth.

For some women, this is their fav way to end a blowjob. Others prefer to spit or swallow instead, depending on what their dick tastes like. They might also like to use their hands, as mentioned in Chapter 4. Almost 50% of women said that their favorite way to finish off a blowjob is by giving her partner a hand job.

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2. It’s empowering

There’s nothing quite like the feeling of sucking a man’s dick. Girls love it because it allows them to feel powerful and in control. They can even start to imagine themselves becoming dick dictators (Get it? Dick dictators, dick suckers). Plus, when you suck a woman’s dick, it makes her moan. And who doesn’t love hearing a woman moan?

Girls who don’t want to give a blowjob may be afraid of losing their virginity, and they also might not feel comfortable with oral sex. If you’re in a relationship with a girl who doesn’t want to give a blowjob, it’s important to understand why she feels this way and to respect her decision.

For example, you could try treating her well outside of the bedroom. If she’s feeling down, you can lift her spirits by taking her out for a nice dinner or giving her a surprise gift. This will show her that you care about her and make her feel good. She’ll be more likely to want to suck your dick in the future.

3. It’s fun

A good blow job is the ultimate pleasure experience. It feels amazing to lick and suck, but it’s even better when you add other textures, like stroking or chewing. Adding pressure and making a rhythm are also great ways to increase the sensations.

Another way to make a good blow job even more intense is to use eye contact. This shows that you’re really into it and it can make him even more aroused. Just be careful not to go too far, though; too much eye contact can make him freak out.

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If you want to take things up a notch, try licking his perineum and stroking it as you suck his dick. This is one of his most sensitive erogenous zones, and it will give him an orgasm that he won’t forget. Try rubbing, pinching and twisting as well. And don’t forget to make lots of saliva – it will give him an even greater orgasm! He’ll love you for it! (Note: It’s important to remember that oral sex is never meant to replace other forms of sex, and that it should always be used for pleasure. If you’re not enjoying it, talk to a medical professional who specializes in compulsive sexual behavior and addiction.

4. It’s a good way to get her attention

There are many different ways to please a woman sexually. Oral sex is a great start, but it’s not the only way to get her hot and hard. Many girls also enjoy arousal from other areas of the body, such as their lips and thighs. Or, if they’re not comfortable with oral sex, they might want you to lick them or give them a tongue massage.

The most important thing is to get her to orgasm. You can do this by giving her amazing red-hot sex. This will make her feel horny and satisfied, which will then inspire her to please you in return.

It’s also a good idea to use some dirty talk. This can be as simple as saying “That’s so horny,” or it can be more elaborate, such as talking about how hot she is when you’re sucking her dick. This will encourage her to give you more head and also remind her of the pleasure that comes from sucking a man’s cock. This is a powerful motivational tool, and it’s something that can easily be learned.

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5. It’s a good way to get her to orgasm

Many women want to orgasm during sex, and it isn’t as simple as “just thrust.” In fact, it’s a bit more complicated than what we see on porn, but it is still possible. For starters, you should make sure that she’s fully turned on. You can do this by reading erotica or by lighting candles and making your bedroom feel sexy. After that, you should take your time and slowly build up the arousal.

When you finally get her to orgasm, be sure to keep the momentum going. You can do this by stroking her neck and shoulders or by playing with her hair. Also, don’t forget to make sexy sounds. These will all help to stimulate her clitoris and make her go deeper.

Another good way to encourage her to orgasm is by putting your hands in the crack of her back. Some women find this really sexy, but you should be careful not to overdo it. If you do, she might start gagging. You can also try putting her in the missionary position or doggy style. Both of these positions are known to lead to clitoral orgasms.

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