Sex Bump on the Face – Is Acne Caused by Sex?

Nothing ruins the blissful afterglow of a great night’s sex like waking up with a pesky pimple on your face. So does sex really cause acne?

During intercourse, oil glands become overactive and produce too much sebum. The mixture of oil and bacteria clogs the pores and causes acne.


During intercourse, body parts get smushed together and rubbed against each other. Hair products, such as gels and waxes, can also rub against the face, causing friction. This can clog pores and lead to acne. Hair products often contain oils and chemicals that can irritate the skin. Some people are allergic to these substances and may develop red, swollen, painful bumps called acne.

Several hormones contribute to acne, including excess androgens that increase during puberty. These hormones over-stimulate the oil glands to produce too much oil, or sebum. When the skin clogs with sebum and dead skin cells, bacteria (Cutibacterium acnes) can grow inside the pore, resulting in a blemish or pimple. Sometimes, the clogged pore becomes infected with pus-filled, enlarged bumps called cysts or nodules.

Another cause of acne is rubbing against something that irritates the skin, such as a beard or facial hair. People who use beards or facial hair products should avoid rubbing them against the skin because they can create unwanted friction and cause a rash.

Masturbation can also increase acne because it causes a small increase in testosterone levels. This increase isn’t enough to cause acne by itself, though. It takes other factors to make this happen, such as the use of greasy, dirty fabrics or creams that don’t suit your skin.

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If you spot an odd bump in intimate areas it’s important to get it checked out. Those odd lumps could be caused by a virus (genital herpes and genital warts) or by sexually transmitted disease. Genital herpes and genital warts can be spread through unprotected vaginal, oral or anal sex, or intimate skin-on-skin contact. In some cases the virus can lay dormant for years before causing symptoms.

If the bumps don’t disappear after a few hours, or if you have painful erections, then you should visit your doctor. They can give you advice and further treatment options.

Another common cause of sex bumps is irritation from friction, especially when a partner has long or thick hair. This irritates the skin and causes excess oil to be produced. This can clog pores and cause acne.

Some people mistakenly think that sex bumps are caused by sexual activity. However, this is not always the case. Those post-sex breakouts might be caused by your diet, the type of shampoo you use, or something that came into contact with your body. For example, if you have sensitive skin and are allergic to certain foods, it can lead to pimples on the face or neck that resemble sex bumps. A dermatologist can test the rash and find the right treatment for you.

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Nothing can ruin the blissful afterglow of sex like discovering a big, icky zit. Sometimes, it’s easy to overlook a pimple and assume that it will go away on its own, but this is a bad idea when it comes to sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It’s always better to play it safe by being a good detective and paying attention to your body to spot any changes.

There are a few things that could be causing your bumps. One possibility is skin allergies to soaps, condoms, or lubricants that can cause irritation. Another is genital herpes which can spread through unprotected sex. Other possible causes are molluscum contagiosum or warts caused by the human papiloma virus.

If you’re experiencing itching that is especially intense during the night, it could be scabies. This is an itch caused by a mite that burrows into the skin, spreading from person to person through physical contact. A dermatologist can help treat this by removing the rash through cauterization or cryosurgery. It can also be treated with medicated creams that you can get from your local pharmacy. If your bumps don’t go away after a few weeks, you should see your doctor.


Although sex has a lot of benefits for your body (better blood circulation, less hormones), it also has one unfortunate side effect: pimples. These blemishes are the result of sweat, makeup and other debris getting trapped in your pores. If left uncleansed, these particles can lead to blackheads. The best way to prevent these boobs is by washing your face before a romp in the sheets.

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During sex, you rub your face against your partner’s skin, which can cause friction and irritation. You may also come in contact with hair products that might not suit your skin, and this could further aggravate the area.

You should not have sex until you get the bumps treated or until they completely disappear on their own. If you do have sex with an infected person, the virus can spread to other areas of the body. It is also important to wash your hands often and not share clothing or personal items.

You can avoid sex with an infected person until they have treatment for molluscum contagiosum. This is a common infection that affects children and adults with weakened immune systems. These growths are a type of genital wart caused by a virus. The infection usually goes away on its own or with treatment, but it can take 6 months to 2 years.

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