Pain When Peeing After Sex

If you have pain when peeing after sex, it’s important to see your doctor right away. This may be a sign of a UTI or another health condition that needs treatment.

Having sex can make you more likely to get a UTI because your urethra gets pushed up against your bladder when you urinate. It can also cause a burning sensation in the penis or vagina (in women) and pus-like discharge from the groin.

Bladder pain syndrome

If you have pain or pressure on your bladder and a strong urge to urinate after sex, you may be experiencing bladder pain syndrome. This condition is more common in women but can affect men as well. It often occurs for non-specific reasons, such as a long period of sitting or a urinary tract infection. Sex can also trigger it because sex from the back, especially using the ‘doggy position,’ can move bacteria up the urethra into the bladder.

The cause of bladder pain syndrome is unknown but it appears that nerves in the bladder become sensitive over time, causing a feeling of pressure in the bladder. Nerves outside the bladder, including those of the pelvic floor and rectum, may also become more sensitive. Symptoms can get in the way of daily activities, exercise and sleep and can negatively affect relationships and work.

Medications are usually prescribed to reduce symptoms, but some people find them unhelpful. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen and naproxen, help with pain and swelling. Antidepressants (such as amitriptyline and tricyclic antidepressants) can help relax the muscles of the bladder and block pain signals. Bladder distention therapy, in which the bladder is filled with water or gas, can help relieve symptoms in some people.

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Stress urinary incontinence, which is when you lose control of your bladder during movement or while laughing, coughing or sneezing, can be helped by exercises and wearing a padded underwear. You may also benefit from a pelvic floor physiotherapy session with a specialist and treatment of your underlying health conditions. Neuromodulation therapies, in which mild electrical pulses are delivered to nerves going to and from the bladder, can also be helpful.

Urinary tract infection (UTI)

If a person is already dealing with a UTI, it’s best to wait until they are done taking antibiotics before having sex. This gives the infection a chance to clear up completely and helps prevent germs from re-entering the urinary tract, leading to another UTI or even a kidney infection.

The bacteria that cause a UTI usually enter the urethra at the tip of the penis or the opening of the vagina (called the anus). From there, they can travel up to the bladder or into the kidneys. Germs that can cause a UTI include E. coli (found in the digestive tract), Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and others. In some cases, the bacteria can also spread from one partner to the other during sex.

Frequent peeing can help flush the bacteria out of the urinary tract, which may prevent them from settling and multiplying in the bladder. To do this, drink lots of water (especially cranberry juice) and go to the bathroom frequently.

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Other ways to reduce your risk of getting a UTI include using barrier protection during sex and using a diaphragm for birth control, instead of spermicide; using only clean feminine hygiene products; not using tight-fitting underwear or panties; and wiping from front to back. A urine test called a urinalysis can be used to diagnose a UTI.

Sexually transmitted infection (STI)

A sexually transmitted infection (STI, also known as an STD) is a disease caused by bacteria or viruses that can be passed from one person to another during intimate contact. People who are at risk for STIs include those with many sex partners, those who use injected drugs and those who have vaginal, oral or anal sex without a condom. STIs can cause itching around the penis or vagina, discharge that smells bad and pain during sex and when peeing. Women with STIs may experience painful or irregular periods. STIs can be diagnosed with an exam by your doctor, a sample of discharge from your vagina or urethra and a blood test.

It is important to pee after sex because it helps to flush out any bacteria that are on your genitals. However, it is more important for females to do this than males because their urethra is shorter and closer to the anus and vagina than in men. This makes it easier for bacteria to move from the genitals to the bladder.

If you have symptoms of a UTI or an STI, see your doctor as soon as possible. They will likely order a urine test, a pelvic exam and a blood test. They may also swab your genital area to look for bacteria and viruses under a microscope. If you have a sexually transmitted disease like chlamydia or gonorrhea, they may prescribe antibiotics for you.

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Vaginal irritation

If you experience burning while peeing after sex, it’s important to realize that this isn’t always a sign of an infection like a UTI or STI. It could also be a symptom of vulva irritation caused by conditions like eczema or psoriasis, which can cause red, itchy, scaly rashes on the outside of your genitals.

If this is the case, you may have irritants in the area such as soaps, bubble bath, douches, shower gels, or feminine hygiene products. You should try to use talc-free powders or unscented soaps and avoid using perfumed products near the vulva. You can also try putting a cold pack wrapped in a cloth on your vulva to reduce itching and pain.

While there are no definite answers on whether or not you should pee after sex, some ob-gyns recommend it because it can help prevent STIs from spreading from the inside out to other parts of your body. However, it won’t protect you from sexually transmitted diseases that can only be spread via sex or vaginal penetration, such as herpes and chlamydia. For these reasons, it’s best to stick with the recommended routines for hygiene and protection:

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