Does Not Having Sex Cause Acne?

Acne is an inflammatory condition affecting the skin. It is most common in puberty when hormones called androgens increase in both boys and girls. This causes the sebaceous glands to make more oil. Clogged pores lead to pimples such as blackheads and whiteheads.

Masturbation does not trigger the hormonal changes that cause acne. In fact, it may help prevent acne.


The most common cause of acne is hormonal changes, particularly during puberty. Testosterone levels increase in teens, stimulating secondary sexual characteristics like facial hair and deepening voice, and also causing the oil glands to secrete more oil, or sebum. This excess sebum can clog pores and make them greasy, encouraging the growth of bacteria that leads to pimples. Hormonal fluctuations relating to pregnancy, the menstrual cycle and other conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome can also lead to acne.

Masturbation and sexual activity do trigger hormone changes, but they’re not dramatic or prolonged enough to cause acne. The testosterone surge triggered by both sex and masturbation is known to increase sebum production, but this effect is short-lived. In addition, regular sex and masturbation improve circulation, which is known to give the skin a healthy glow, which can help with overall skincare and may reduce the risk of acne.

One thing to note is that sex and masturbation both lead to an increase in body sweat, which can irritate the skin and cause breakouts. Additionally, if you’re touching someone else’s face or body hair during sex, this friction can encourage the growth of bacteria that can lead to acne. This is why it’s best to stick with clean, hygienic methods of intimacy. This includes wearing a bra and sleeping in clean sheets.

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Stress is often a trigger for acne, especially in people who are predisposed to breakouts. The reason behind this is that hormones increase in the body when you’re stressed, and these hormones encourage the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. This excess oil, when combined with dead skin cells and bacteria, can clog pores and lead to blemishes and cysts.

Stress acne can appear along the forehead, nose, and chin, where the oil glands are most active. These blemishes tend to look more like zits that develop during adolescence, rather than the deep-set nodules and cysts that characterize hormonal acne. They usually involve a combination of blackheads, whiteheads, and red bumps, and are found in areas that are naturally more oily.

Healthy sex reduces your stress levels and this helps prevent pimples. Research shows that the body produces a chemical called CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone) during orgasm, and this hormone lowers your stress levels. It also increases estrogen production, which is a good thing for your skin since it promotes the health of your hair, oil glands, and skin. Stress-reducing activities like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises can also help to keep your stress levels low. This can help you avoid orgasm-related acne and other stress-related blemishes.

See also:  Does Sex Help With Acne?


Many people believe that diet is a major factor in acne. It’s widely thought that greasy foods cause breakouts, and that chocolate and dairy are the main culprits. However, this is not true for everyone. Changing one’s diet does not always help clear up acne. Sarah tried avoiding gluten and milk, but that didn’t work for her. She also tried eating fresh yeast, which “tasted disgusting.” It was a waste of money and time.

In addition to food, there are other factors that can cause or worsen acne. These include wearing tight-fitting clothing and headgear that clings to the skin, working in a kitchen or at a restaurant where you come into contact with grease, using oily or greasy personal care products, and stress.

Many people are worried that not having sex will make their acne worse. While it’s true that hormonal changes during puberty can trigger acne, there is no proof that abstinence from sexual activity will cause acne. Other factors may play a bigger role in acne outbreaks, such as eating fatty and sugary foods, or not washing the face properly. However, for most people, acne is not a huge problem in their daily lives. For example, Hester often sleeps on her back to avoid putting pressure on spots and Rachel and Deborah don’t get disturbed by their blemishes when they go to bed.

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Massage Oils

Using the right massage oil can make all the difference in your skin. Choosing an oil that won’t clog your pores is essential. One option is jojoba oil. It’s close in makeup to your body’s natural sebum, so it won’t aggravate acne and other skin conditions. It also has antibacterial properties, helping to reduce redness and irritation.

Another good option is sweet almond oil. It spreads easily, is nourishing to the skin, and has a light, pleasant fragrance. It can be purchased at most health food stores and body shops.

If you have acne-prone skin, it’s best to avoid any oils that are comedogenic. Putting additional oil on your face or body can cause a clog, which leads to acne breakouts.

Luckily, there is no evidence that masturbation or sex causes acne. If you do experience a breakout after sex, it’s likely due to factors other than your hormones or the lubrication from the massage oil.

It’s important to check your surroundings before having sex. Dirty or unwashed bed sheets can transfer bacteria that lead to breakouts. Make sure to use a clean sheet or try a disposable wipe that you can toss afterward.

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