How Many Times Should You Masterbate a Day?

Masturbation is an entirely normal practice and it’s completely okay to masturbate as much as you want. However, if masturbation is interfering with your personal and professional life or causes you pain, you should consider reaching out to a therapist who specializes in sexual health.

Masturbating can be addictive, so it’s important to try and limit your masturbation. Below are some tips to help.

1. Before bed

A lot of guys masturbate before sex because they’ve heard the chatter that it helps them last longer with their partners. However, that’s not necessarily true. And in fact, if you do it too much, you could actually be making it harder to have an orgasm during sex.

If you masturbate regularly, it’s important to switch up your location, position, technique, and fantasy. Otherwise, you’ll end up training your brain to become accustomed to that one way of feeling pleasure, which can make it hard to reach orgasm when you are actually engaging in sex with a partner.

That being said, it’s not a bad idea to give yourself a quick solo masturbation session before you head to bed. It’s a nice way to relax, and you might even feel more aroused for your sex life once you get in bed.

Plus, it’s a great time to do it because there are typically no distractions—the kids are likely in bed and your roommates are probably asleep, too. But, like we said, there’s no “right” amount of masturbation—it all depends on what feels good to you. That being said, if you do masturbate a lot and it’s affecting your emotional or physical health in any way, speak to a therapist or counselor. This is sometimes referred to as masturbation addiction, and it can be just as dangerous as any other addictive behavior.

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2. In the morning

Masturbating is a perfectly healthy and normal pastime, so long as you’re able to control the urges. However, if you masturbate so much that it starts to interfere with your day-to-day life or sucks all the pleasure out of sex, then you may have a problem that needs to be addressed.

If you’re a morning person, a quick masturbation session can be the perfect way to kickstart your day. When you orgasm, your brain gets flushed with happy chemicals, like dopamine and oxytocin, that will help to keep you in a positive mood all day. Plus, you’ll also be strengthening your Kegel muscles, which helps to send a rush of blood flow to your pelvic area—which can naturally relieve pain from things like your period.

For those who aren’t morning people, a masturbation session in the afternoon can be a good way to get energized and set yourself up for the rest of the day. The afternoon is also great for people who have busy schedules, since it’s a time that’s likely to be free of distractions like work or school.

And for those who have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep, masturbating before bed can help to relax your body and calm your mind so you can fall asleep easier. Just be sure to practice safe masturbation by using lube or condoms to prevent friction.

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3. After school

Some kids learn about masturbation at a very young age, which is normal and natural. They may discover that they like it and do it on their own without the guidance of parents. This exploration can sometimes be a precursor to sex, so it’s important for children to have a positive, shame-free understanding of their bodies. It’s also an opportunity to talk about the importance of privacy and boundaries.

Masturbation can become a way of self-soothing, and it is often used to help manage feelings of boredom or frustration, according to studies. This is because the erogenous pleasure derived from the act can make these negative emotions feel less intense, and it can create an euphoric feeling. If the behavior is so frequent and persistent that it’s preventing an individual from completing their daily tasks or socializing with friends, it could be a sign of a problem.

If a child has a masturbation routine and it’s interfering with their daily life, then they should seek out a health care provider to discuss the issue. This person should be able to provide a better sense of confidentiality and a more individualized discussion than a family member or friend, and can answer any questions the student may have about their masturbation habits. They can also help the teen find alternate ways to cope with their feelings, so they don’t rely on sexual gratification as their only tool.

4. Before bed again

Masturbating before bed might be the best time for some people because there are no distractions. It’s also when the body releases hormones that promote relaxation and sleepiness, like oxytocin and serotonin. But, the problem is that if masturbating before bed becomes a habit and interferes with your ability to get enough sleep, it’s a sign of an addiction.

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This could be a good time to start cutting back on masturbating before bed and try doing it only twice a week instead. Also, if you find that you’re skipping social gatherings or avoid hanging out with friends because you can’t fit in masturbating before or after, this is another tell-tale sign of an addiction.

It’s important to remember that there is no such thing as excessive masturbation, as long as you do it responsibly and in moderation. Masturbation is a mood-booster and can help improve sexual pleasure and self-esteem, and it’s healthy for people who have vaginas. It only becomes a problem when it starts interfering with your daily life or causes negative feelings afterward, and it’s important to consult a therapist if you are struggling. The best way to find out when masturbating is a good fit for you is to experiment with different times of the day. You might be surprised that you’re a morning masturbater or night owl—it all depends on your energy levels and what time of the day feels most natural for you.

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