Can You Use Vitamin E Oil As a Lube?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that fights free radicals. These free radicals cause skin damage and early aging signs.

Oil-based lubes can increase the comfort during masturbation. But they can also increase the risk of infection, such as bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections. Hence, choosing the right lube is very important.


When lubrication is involved, we often grab whatever is handy in the kitchen, but that cooking oil should stay in the frying pan and out of your vagina. Using the wrong kind of lube can lead to irritation, infection and pain. The best lubes won’t cause those unwelcome side effects, and most of the natural options that you can buy in your local health food store are safe for use as a personal lubricant.

However, because vitamin E isn’t a regulated product, you need to be careful about choosing a brand. Some may contain a lot of fillers and have unpronounceable ingredients that can be harmful to your body. Look for a high-quality brand that is also organic and non-GMO.

Vitamin E oil can be used as an anal lubricant, but it may irritate rectal tissue and a rectal sheath, so you should test it on a small patch of skin before you try it with your partner – This information was gathered by the service specialists The oil will also break down latex condoms and polyisoprene dental dams, so it’s best to avoid it if you are using those products.

For more lube options that are friendly to your sex organs, check out our Everything Lube and Lubricant Alternatives hubs. They include reviews of dozens of brands, as well as recipes for homemade lubes made from common household items. Just be sure to test your chosen lube on a small patch of skin first — the inner elbow is a good choice — to make sure you don’t have any allergies or sensitivities that could be aggravated by it.

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It’s important to note that you should use pure vitamin E oil and not the synthetic version. Synthetic vitamin E has a slightly different chemical makeup and can cause skin irritation, rashes, itching, hives, and other unpleasant side effects. Aside from being safer for the skin, the natural form also doesn’t break down latex condoms or polyisoprene lubricants (which are needed for STI prevention and to prevent premature contractions during childbirth).

Another good option is coconut oil. It’s skin-friendly and has antioxidant, antibacterial, and moisturizing properties, so it’s safe for the genital area. Make sure you get organic or virgin coconut oil, though, since these are less processed and have fewer additives. It’s also a good idea to avoid any products that contain added fragrances or preservatives, as these can irritate the genital area and cause unwanted side effects.

Another good natural option is aloe vera gel. It’s a great choice for sensitive skin and genital areas, but it can be tricky to find the pure stuff. If you’re going to buy it bottled, look for one that doesn’t have any alcohol and has a low concentration of latex. Also, be aware that aloe gel may contain ingredients that could be harmful if you have a latex allergy. Check the label to ensure it’s latex-free, and test it on a small patch of skin, like your inner elbow, before using it.

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Many lubes have additional ingredients that make them extra smooth and fun to use. They can be anything from skin moisturizers to natural lubricants like aloe vera and coconut oil. It’s important to find a lube that is safe for your body and any health conditions you may have, so check the ingredients carefully.

Glycerin is a common additive in lube, but it can be irritating for some people. The hyperosmolal nature of glycerin means it draws water from other areas of your body, including your outer cell layer (if it’s in a lotion) or the vaginal or anal epithelium (if it’s in a lubricant). This can cause thrush or yeast infections if you get too much in your system.

Other additives, like flavorings, sparkles and scents, also might not be a good choice for your lube. They can disrupt the pH balance of your vagina and introduce mouth bacteria that can cause an infection. If you’re allergic to latex, it’s best to avoid any lubes that contain natural latex such as coconut or olive oil.

You should also do a patch test before you start using a new lube as your main source of vaginal moisture. Apply a small amount of the lube to a less sensitive area of your body, such as the back of your knee, and monitor it for any signs of irritation over 24-48 hours.


Vitamin E oil comes in a variety of forms — the most common is a gel capsule that’s used as a supplement. But it’s also available in its raw, undiluted form and as a natural beauty product. It’s a good alternative to commercial lubricants that can be expensive, but it has its own risks.

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Vitamins E, D and K come with a warning label about ingesting too much because of their effects on blood clotting. They may also interact with certain medications, including blood thinners. Vitamin E can cause skin irritation, especially if you’re sensitive to it or have a history of allergic contact dermatitis. It’s not a very effective vaginal lubricant and can lead to yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis if you use it for masturbation. It can also degrade nitrile, polyurethane and latex condoms and latex diaphragms used for pregnancy protection, increasing the risk of unintended sex and STIs.

Like any oil-based lube, vitamin E oil will stain fabrics, especially sheets. It also leaves behind a sticky residue that’s hard to get off your fingers and tush. It’s best to apply it at bedtime and cover your sheets with a pillowcase to avoid stains. The nutty aroma can also be unpleasant for some people. It’s also a good idea to test the oil on a patch of skin outside your private parts to make sure you’re not sensitive to it.

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