Does Masturbating Before Sex Make You Last Longer?

People who struggle with premature ejaculation often ask if masturbating before sex can help them last longer. The answer may be yes, but it depends on how you do it.

Males experience a period known as the refractory period after orgasm, which can make it difficult to get a second erection in time for sex. Masturbating can help them overcome this by shortening their refractory periods.

It Desensitizes Your Penis

There are some people who believe that masturbating before sex somehow affects the hormone levels that regulate a person’s sex drive and ability to climax. But there’s no scientific evidence of that. What’s more likely is that masturbating before sex desensitizes your penis, allowing you to last longer in the bedroom. The reason for this is that after a male orgasm, the body goes into what’s known as a refractory period. During this time, the body is unable to maintain an erection or have another orgasm. It can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few days, depending on the individual.

Many people who suffer from premature ejaculation (PE) find relief by masturbating before they have sex. It helps them to reach their second orgasm and it makes the sexual experience more intense and satisfying. PE can be stressful for both the partner and the mate, so masturbation can help to alleviate some of that stress and anxiety.

PE can also make it difficult to synchronize orgasms with a partner, which can be frustrating for both parties. Masturbating before sex or using a delay spray can help to reduce the likelihood of this problem occurring. These delaying sprays contain a topical anesthetic, such as lidocaine or benzocaine, that temporarily desensitizes the penis, making it less sensitive and allowing a man to last longer in bed.

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It Helps You Get Harder

Many men who struggle with premature ejaculation believe that masturbating before sex helps them last longer in the bedroom. They believe that it allows them to “get it out of their system” so they can focus more on sex later. This theory is based on the idea that there is a period after orgasm called the refractory period. The refractory period is when your body needs to recover from orgasm by limiting your response to sexual stimulation. If you are able to masturbate until you reach the refractory period, you can last longer during sex.

However, the refractory period is different for everyone and can vary in length depending on age and sensitivity. Some people may be able to masturbate for a few minutes while others may need an hour or more. Masturbating until you can climax can be helpful for some, but for others it may actually interfere with their sexual performance.

Also, many people find that focusing on orgasm can make it harder to enjoy other aspects of sex. For example, they might not enjoy deep kissing or eye contact because they are too busy thinking about getting to their next orgasm. Instead, it is often better to let orgasm happen naturally during sex and focus on enjoying all of the sensations that come with it.

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It Helps You Relieve Emotions

Masturbating before sex is an excellent way to relieve sexual tension and emotional stress. It also releases healthy amounts of hormones such as oxytocin, dopamine, and prolactin, which promote relaxation and social bonding. Many people who suffer from ejaculatory dysfunctions (premature ejaculation or no ejaculation) find that masturbating helps them last longer during sex. This is because the process desensitizes the penis, making it less sensitive to stimulation. However, this is only a temporary solution to the problem. It’s essential to address the root cause of the problem, such as urinary tract infections or other medical problems that can be dangerous if left untreated.

Another reason why masturbating before sex can help you last longer in the bedroom is because it helps reduce feelings of depression and anxiety. These emotions can cause a decrease in your libido, which can lead to sex problems in your relationship. If you’re feeling depressed, it’s important to talk to a mental health care professional. They can help you get to the bottom of what’s causing your feelings and recommend treatment options.

In addition, masturbating before sex can lengthen your refractory period – the time it takes for you to recover from your first orgasm and be able to get a second one. It’s best to do this 30 or 60 minutes before sex so that you don’t get overstimulated too quickly.

It Can Help You Get a Better Erection

There’s anecdotal evidence that masturbating before sex can help you get a harder erection during sexual intercourse. This is likely due to the fact that when you masturbate, your penis enters what’s known as the refractory period. This is the amount of time it takes for your penis to recover from an orgasm and become able to be stimulated again. It typically takes a few minutes for teenage men and half an hour or more for 30-year-olds and older. During this time, it can be challenging to achieve a hard erection, but it becomes easier if you have had masturbation already.

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Additionally, some people claim that masturbation before sex can increase the intensity of orgasms during sex and even allow for more climaxes. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case for everyone. In some individuals, masturbation before sex can actually decrease their sexual desire or libido once they’ve reached orgasm. It can also take them longer to reach climax and make it difficult to synchronize orgasms with their partners.

If you’re interested in a better erection during sex, try masturbating more often and practicing the art of slowing down your orgasms. Instead of jumping straight to climax, work on bringing your orgasms to an 80% point-of-no-return and then gradually increasing them. This is a technique called “orgasm surfing” and is used by many tantra practitioners.

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