Can an IUD Move During Sex?

There are some questions you may be too embarrassed to ask your ob/gyn, especially when it comes to sex. One such question is whether rough sex can dislodge an IUD.

However, you shouldn’t worry about your IUD moving during sex. Even if your partner can feel the strings, they shouldn’t interfere with pleasure.

IUDs are inserted into the uterus

IUDs are plastic T-shaped devices that can be inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. They work by changing the way sperm move so they can’t reach an egg and fertilize it. Some types also release hormones to prevent ovulation. Most women describe the insertion as uncomfortable but not painful. Some take an over-the-counter pain reliever before the appointment to manage the discomfort.

There is a very low risk of infection in the vagina or cervix after having an IUD. However, there is a small chance that an IUD may perforate the uterus wall as it’s being placed. If this happens, it’s important to seek urgent medical attention. The doctor or nurse will need to rule out a pregnancy in the fallopian tubes (ectopic pregnancy), which can be life-threatening.

It is very rare for an IUD to come out, but it’s still important to check with a finger in your vagina once or twice a month. If the string feels shorter or longer than normal, or if you can’t feel it at all, call your doctor immediately. It’s also important to use an additional method of birth control until your IUD has been checked.

During the removal process, your health care provider will find the cervix using a speculum and then use ring forceps to grasp the IUD strings. She will then pull it out. The procedure is fairly quick and easy, but it can be a little uncomfortable.

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They’re made of thin wire

IUDs are small t-shaped devices that provide long-acting birth control. There are five types of IUDs available in the US, including Mirena, Liletta, Kyleena, Skyla, and Paragard. They contain different amounts of progesterone and copper, and they have differing expiration dates. They are inserted during an office visit, and the procedure is relatively painless. You may experience some cramping and spotting afterward, but it will subside quickly. You should call your physician if you have persistent pain or fever, as this could be a sign that you are pregnant.

Occasionally an IUD can move inside your womb, and this is called displacement. It is more likely to happen soon after it’s been fitted, but it can also occur later. This is why you should check the strings once a month and know how to feel for them. If you can’t feel the threads, or if you have spotting between periods, contact your GP or sexual health clinic and use an extra form of contraception until they can examine you.

During the IUD insertion procedure, you will lie on your back with your cervix exposed. A speculum will be placed in your vagina, and your cervix will be cleaned with antiseptic. The length of your uterus will be measured, and the IUD will be inserted through the opening to the uterus. The strings will be cut so that they are well up into your vagina, and you or your sexual partner won’t notice them.

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They’re attached to the cervix

The doctor will usually insert an IUD during a regular office visit. They’ll ask you to lie down on an exam table with your feet in stirrups. The doctor will then cleanse your vagina and cervix with an antiseptic solution to reduce infection risk. They’ll also check your uterus’s position, size, and mobility to make sure it’s safe for you to have an IUD inserted. They’ll use a long-handled, slender instrument called a speculum to separate and open the sides of your vagina so they can see your cervix better.

They’ll then fold the IUD into an applicator tube and insert it through your cervix into your uterus. Once it’s in place, the IUD’s “arms” will release and the doctor will remove the applicator. The doctor may do a bimanual pelvic exam after the procedure to check the consistency and location of your cervix.

IUDs can last anywhere from three to 12 years and protect you against pregnancy and STIs. They can also help with heavy periods and spotting between periods. There are four different types of hormonal IUDs available in the U.S.: Mirena, Skyla, Liletta, and Kyleena. Each contains a small amount of progestin, which thickens cervical mucus and inhibits sperm movement to make it harder for them to reach your uterus.

You can check your IUD for signs that it is still in place by feeling for the string. The string can be felt high up inside your vagina, near the cervix. If you can’t feel the string, it may have shifted and you should call your health care provider.

They’re attached to the vagina

When a woman has an IUD inserted, she may experience cramping that feels similar to menstrual pain. This is normal, but if the pain feels intense or unbearable, it is important to let the doctor know about it. She might also be offered oral pain medication, such as Motrin, to help with the discomfort.

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Depending on the type of IUD you have, you might experience different side effects. For example, hormonal IUDs can cause spotting for the first few months after insertion. Some women may even experience a lighter period than before. These changes are normal, and they will fade over time.

Before inserting an IUD, your health care provider will do a pelvic exam to measure the size of your uterus and cervix. They will also cleanse your vagina with an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection. Then they will use a long-handled tool called a speculum to open the vagina and view your cervix. They will then slide the IUD into the cervical canal until it is at the top of your uterus.

Most IUDs have two thin strings that hang out of your cervix. These strings make it easy for you to check your IUD for placement and for your doctor or nurse to see if the IUD is still in place. You can also feel for the strings yourself, and your health care provider will teach you how to do this.

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